Animated Fish | Beginner

Animated Fish

 Creating a school of swimming fish involved Layer Parenting in Animation, connecting fins to bodies. Tools like the selection tool, timeline, properties panel, and tools panel played key roles. Actions included using Parenting View, Inserting Keyframes, and Classic Tweening for smooth motion.

The fish animation was exciting and challenging, highlighting complexities in beginner animation software. Challenges like connecting fins accurately and selecting keyframes were overcome through collaboration and attention to detail. Acquired skills include making a character’s body part move with the whole and a deeper understanding of layer usage.

In the first activity, “Fish Animation,” using Adobe Animate posed challenges due to limited knowledge. Collaborative efforts with classmates were essential for success.

Crafting the fish animation involved creating characters and scenes in Adobe Animate, utilizing drawing tools, frames on the timeline, and tweening for lifelike movements. Layering and parenting ensured cohesive movement, and the final animation was enriched with bubbles and light effects.

As a beginner, following the fish animation tutorial in Adobe Animate familiarized me with the software. It taught the basics of placing images on a timeline, emphasizing patience for engaging animations. This initial activity laid the foundation for learning animation basics.




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